Vehicle Storage in Turkey, Germany and USA

Vehicle Storage in Turkey, Germany and USA

Türkiye, Almanya ve Amerika’da Araç Depolama
26 October 2022

You have the opportunity to store your vehicles as long as you wish, in the 12.000 m2 closed warehouse area in Cologne, Germany, the customs-approved warehouse and warehouse with a closed area of 15.000 m2 in Turkey, and the 5000 m2 closed warehouse area in Florida, USA. For storage up to 15 days, our company does not charge a storage parking fee and it is free. After 15 days, a very small fee is charged for storage parking.

In addition, our customers who will bring their household goods to Turkey can make unlimited use of these storage areas.

Our online professional representatives have worked with some of the world's largest brands. 9Ekim Customs Consultancy firm was established in 1989 as a sole proprietorship. In 1993, it started to serve as an official and licensed Customs Consultancy Limited Company under the Undersecretariat of Customs of the Republic of Turkey.
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